Personal Branding: How to Market Yourself

Some people are highly talented but are not able to climb up in their career ladder simply because they are not able to project themselves effectively. In the modern world we should not expect that others will help us to scale heights. It is here that you need to learn to market yourself.

Here are some tips to boost your persona.

  •  Rate yourself — You are the best one to figure out your strength and weakness. This can be done through an exercise: write down your achievements and failures in your professional life and figure out their sources and causes. Follow this up with a brainstorming session with your very close well wishers. This will help you to better identify your strength and weakness
  •  Fix a Career Goal — Determine your career goal and how it could be achieved. The best way is to determine where you want to be after 3 years or 5 years or say 10-15 years from now
  •  Identify your traits — List the qualities and achievements that will help to market yourself and help you to move towards the desired career goal. This could be anything from your contribution to a project, assistance provided, training undergone, conducted or coordinated, or anything you have published
  •  Highlight your brand — Never waste an opportunity to show your achievements to your superiors or decision makers. It could be presented in talks or seminars or in a discussion. It could be in appraisal forms or in review meetings as well

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